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  • 美美与共 天下大同
  • 不知归路。
  • 医为仁术,用以济世活人,不能以利相求。--孟景春
  • A姐B妹 阿玛尼(姐姐)2017.11.26 宝格丽(妹妹)2019.10.22
  • CFDA (美国时尚设计师协会)是 美国时尚产业的非盈利组织,成立于1962年。其成员包括500多个美国首屈一指的女装、男装、珠宝和配饰设计师。CFDA的起源是一个独立的非营利组织,为慈善事业和产业活动筹集资金。除了举办一年一度的CFDA时尚大奖,CFDA贸易组织旗下还拥有Fashion Calendar并策划组织纽约时装周的男装发布。 The Council of Fashion Designers of America, Inc. (CFDA) is a not-for-profit trade association, founded in 1962, whose membership consists of more than 500 of America’s foremost womenswear, menswear, jewelry and accessory designers. The CFDA foundation, Inc. is a separate not-for-profit organization, which was created to raise funds for charity and industry activities. In addition to hosting the annual CFDA Fashion Awards, the trade organization owns the Fashion Calendar and stages New York Fashion Week: Men’s.